Sunset: The Nature and Power of Thoughts

Sunset: The Nature and Power of Thoughts-The single most productive thing I have learned in my recovery journey is how to take a thought captive–how not allow it to rule or ruin a moment, a day, an opportunity. In this quick video Dr. John A. King discusses something that is at the very heart of his book #dealwithit – living well with PTSD.

Discover Frequency Therapy for Anxiety and Depression in Sunset

Frequency therapy in Sunset is especially helpful for stress management since most illness stems from stress and living out of harmony. It can help those who are suffering from headaches, stiff neck, back pain, jaw clenching, dizziness, blushing or sweating, cold and clammy hands, frequent colds or infections, rashes, itching, stomach pain, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath, learning difficulties and more.

Sunset: Can Stress Raise Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure?

Sunset, stress can raise blood sugar and blood pressure. When the body is under stress, the adrenal glands trigger the release of glucose stored in various organs, which often leads to elevated levels of glucose in the bloodstream. It is vital to lower the stress in your life, especially if you have diabetes.